Save time when you arrive to our spa by completing our massage intake form before you arrive. You may also be directed to this form upon arrival if you prefer an electronic version.

The following information will be used to help plan a safe and effective massage session. Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.

In order to plan a massage session that is safe and effective, I need some general information about your medical history.

I understand that although massage therapy can be very therapeutic, relaxing and reduce muscular tension, its is not a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, and treatment. Being that massage should not be performed under certain medical conditions, I confirm that I have answered all questions pertaining to medical conditions truthfully. In the event I become injured as a result in whole or part, after the massage, I hereby hold harmless and indemnify the therapist and the company Health Therapy & Beauty Center from all claims and liability. THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE AND ANY SEXUAL REMARKS OR ADVANCES WILL TERMINATE THE SESSION AND WILL BE LIABLE FOR PAYMENT OF THE SCHEDULED MASSAGE.

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